Year 6

Welcome to Y6…

Make your last year at Loxley a fantastic one!

Mrs Taylor

Greek theatre masks

Ancient Greeks

In Year 6, the class will be investigating the Ancient Greeks and how they lived including finding out about Ancient Greek gods, art forms and warfare. We discover how we know so much about Ancient Greeks and what sort of artefacts they left behind. We find out about famous Ancient Greeks and how they affect our lives today.

An ‘eco-friendly city’ street plan

An ‘eco-friendly city’ street plan

Cities and Settlements

What sort of place do we live in? How did it grow to be the place it is today? How does it compare to other places the class have visited? (Castleton, Scarborough and Sheffield) In Year 6 we investigate these questions with a focus on land use and map work of places familiar to the children through their residential visits in Year 3 and in this year.

The Empire Windrush

Journeys: Modern migration

In the summer term, Year 6’s find out about people who move (migrate) from one country to another. We learn about groups of people who have migrated to the UK since 1900 and the reasons why people choose to move country. We discuss whether our families have migrated and other people we know who have migrated and we look at issues in the news at the moment linked to migration.

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Two Year 6 pupils playing Keyboards

Two Year 6 pupils playing Keyboards

Year 6 texts

Year 6 texts


Year 6 study the importance, function and beauty of bridges across a range of curriculum subjects. As well as learning about famous bridges and examining why their structures are successful, Year 6 use CAD to design their own bridges considering their learning about how bridges are constructed so they are strong and stable. The Year 6 class then use a range of materials to build and test the strength of the different bridge types they have completed.


All our Year 6 pupils have the amazing opportunity to learn Pop and Rock keyboard skills and use this to develop their performance, composition and musicality. This builds on instrumental lessons in Years 4 and 5 on clarinet. The children continue to develop as musicians; learning to play simple tunes and accompany themselves using chords.

Fantastic Texts

Year 6 read, share, discuss and write about fantastic texts through the year. Our books cover a range of different authors and types of books, enabling children to experience worlds both familiar and alien to their own experiences. A selection of our books in Year 6 are The Nowhere Emporium, Kick, Who let the Gods Out, Room 13, You are Awesome and Rooftoppers.

Year 6 Performances

There are several opportunities for the Year 6s to perform: the Year 5/6 play is the main one but also the Christmas Talent Show, assemblies and concerts.

Through producing a full play, performed to the other classes in school and parents, our year 6s further develop confidence and performance skills as well as developing reading and musical skills through learning and performing songs and speeches.

In Year 6, the children complete national standardised tests in May. The children will prepare thoroughly for these during the year. We nurture an environment of celebrating our own and each other’s achievements. We focus on the process of improving our skills and attitudes to learning (including resilience, independence and confidence) rather than worrying about the mark at the end. The learning, not the assessment, comes first at Loxley yet the vast majority of pupils take the tests in their stride - they often ask to do them for fun! A calm, purposeful learning environment combined with great team spirit, humour and care for one another provide a great climate for positive well-being.


Year 6 SATs

In Year 6, we aim high together to develop and consolidate learning from previous year groups. We aim to ensure that each child leaves our school having achieved the best they can: academically, creatively and socially.