Loxley School Council

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller

Our School Council Makes a Difference for Every Child’s School Experience

Loxley School Council

Who Are We?

The Loxley School Council comprises of a group of children, elected by their peers, ranging from Y1 to Y6. Each class elects two class councillors, based on a presentation of how they will be able to represent the class and what skills will enable them to do this effectively.

In addition to this, the Y5 class councillors continue to represent their class in Y6, giving Y6 four representatives in total. They are able to offer a wealth of information from the previous year and their knowledge and understanding of what the class council does and how the council works is an asset to the group.

The council has an executive committee, comprising of a chairperson and a secretary.

What Do We Do?

The children learn a number of skills regarding holding meetings and taking notes (minutes). They liaise with Mrs Helliwell to work out agendas for the next meeting, write up the minutes and gradually become confident enough to be able to run the meetings almost independently.

Entertaining at Loxley Park Village

Entertaining at Loxley Park Village

Ronnie officially opening the school toilets.

Ronnie officially opening the school toilets.


A Proud Achievement

The complete refurbishment of the toilets. This was an issue raised by school council member, Ronnie. He had wanted to be on the school council since Y1 with his ambition to be to do something about the school toilets. In Y5, he managed to secure his place on the council and the toilets were brought up by him as an A.O.B. (Any Other Business).

The school council were the major driving force in ensuring that the toilets were designed in accordance with the children’s requirements. After all, the toilets are a very important part of the school day and it is important that the children feel happy to use the facilities.

Ronnie went on to be the Chair of the School Council.

Making Links with the Community

The children usually visit Loxley Park, a retirement village, every Christmas to meet and chat with the residents. The children organise their own programme of events and put on a performance of individual songs, poems and musical items. They are also able to serve mince pies and give home-made Christmas cards and pictures to the residents before wishing them a merry Christmas and returning to school.


Recently, the children have started to make links with the Friends of Loxley Cemetery. One of the members of the group spoke to the children regarding designing a logo for them and about the possibility of the children helping to clear the site of weeds. The graveyard is of significant historical interest in the local area.

Christmas Entertainment at Loxley Park Village

Christmas Entertainment at Loxley Park Village

FOLC logo.jpg

Friends of Loxley Cemetery

Logo design by Loxley School Council

Past Achievements

Other achievements in the past include;

  • Attending the war memorial tree planting ceremony at Dungworth Green, marking 100 years since the end of the First World War, along with representatives from other local schools

  • Introducing the dinner band system

  • Organising for a famous author (Jeremy Strong) to come into school

  • Ensuring that the water fountains are in good working order

  • Purchasing books for the library

  • School surveys of the children

The children are constantly seeking to improve our school and make it a better place for everyone. If any pupils have any issues or ideas, they are encouraged to discuss it with their class representatives who will then feed back to the council at their next meeting.